Hausamusic For Your Church Services

100% Free Online Church
Streaming Service for Your Website

Hausa Music For Your Church Services Online

During COVID-19 & beyond, reach more people in your church and community

Learn how AudioFetch can easily and affordably make your worship services more accessible for those with hearing impairments and language barriers. “Having access to Church Music Solutions is such a blessing. Previously, we would have some spoken services and utilize recorded CDs. So often, members would indicate, “We should be singing this part of the liturgy.” Absolutely! That’s what we want! That’s the ideal! AndChurch Music Solutions allowed us to do that.” Rev.

Is your church or ministry live streaming from Facebook and/or YouTube, but your church members can’t find your services, or are too distracted by those cat videos? is a free easy to use solution that pulls your social stream onto your own “Live” or “Online Church” website page.

No equipment needed
Hausamusic For Your Church Services

No expensive cameras, encoders or equipment needed. Just stream from your phone or computer.

No hidden fees

Livestreaming from a social media provider is free and we won't charge you for your livestream page. Zero. Zilch.

No tech person needed

Social media providers make it easy to go live within a few clicks and we provide FAQs to help you along the way.

Works with live and prerecorded videos

You can upload your videos ahead of time or go live on the spot.

5-minute setup

5-minute one time setup with no need to login in the future. Whenever a visitor accesses your page, they'll always see your latest video.

Bible, notes and chat

The Bible, notes and chat are included on your page so that your community remains engaged and isn't distracted by social media.

Link back to your website

Include top navigation links to your website pages to help your community engage with what matters most.

Giving callout

Easily connect to your online giving page with a prominent link to keep your ministry running.

No distractions

Reach the 30% who don't have a Facebook account, and keep them from clicking on those cute cat videos.

Customizable logo

*Coming Soon. Make your livestream page look like an extension of your current website.

Livestream anytime

Use for services, pastors update and other ministries in the church.

Hausa Music For Your Church Services Youtube

Sign Up
Hausa song

Create your free account and connect to your Facebook and/or YouTube pages.

Hausa Music Video

Copy Link

Copy your custom URL and link it to a “Live” or “Online Church” link on your existing website.

Hausa Music For Your Church Services Online

Go Live

Hausa Music For Your Church Services Episcopal

Go live with your message and it will automatically show up on your website.

Ready to get started?
Create your free account now.