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New York Times Critics on the plays and musicals currently open in New York City. Im looking for audios or VOBs of: 1. Wicked London with Louise Dearman. Sound Of Music Tour with Verity Rushworth. Evita UK/European Tour 2008-2011. South Pacific UK Tour 2011 with Samantha.
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Show-Score provides reviews of the top broadway shows running and coming to New York City. Full reviews of over 50 broadway shows from critics. Bringing You The Best of Broadway 24/7. Bringing You The Best of Broadway 24/7. Bringing You The Best of Broadway 24/7. Rewind 10 Seconds. Broadway runs from the Financial District up town. It runs for almost the entire length of Manhattan Island. When people say 'on Broadway' they usually mean the area around Times Square. Most of the theatres are around here, though most aren't on 'Broadway. 'The Great White Way' comes alive at night. I've never seen so many bright lights.
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