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Results: 204Comments by: Flarin |
File: MayronUI Gen603-26-17 |
Off Topic: your YouTube videos are awesome Posted By: Flarin Just watched your Youtube series on creating addons. I hope you have time to do this again. I would even be willing to pay - maybe consider a KickStarter or something - what you presented - and the way you presented it - was extremely informative and well done. It is hard to get started - everyone codes differently and it can be hard... |
File: bdMinimap03-10-17 |
Re: Ant trails being captured as buttons Hi - using mods like Dugi or Zygor - the ant trails on the minimap are being captured as flickering minimap buttons when you choose to capture minimap buttons.These mods point the way to the next objective and put a trail of dots on the minimap - some of these are being captured by your mod.An example of what I am seeing - the... |
File: bdMinimap02-28-17 |
Ant trails being captured as buttons Hi - using mods like Dugi or Zygor - the ant trails on the minimap are being captured as flickering minimap buttons when you choose to capture minimap buttons.These mods point the way to the next objective and put a trail of dots on the minimap - some of these are being captured by your mod. |
File: Altz UI for Shadowlands02-28-17 |
Error - mouse over Artifact Bar Getting this error when I mouse over the Artifact bar connected to the minimap:Message: InterfaceFrameXMLMainMenuBar.lua:52: Usage: BreakUpLargeNumbers(schoolMask)Time: 02/28/17 15:07:45Count: 2Stack: : in function `BreakUpLargeNumbers'InterfaceFrameXMLMainMenuBar.lua:52: in function |
File: nibMicroMenu01-28-17 |
Alternative to this? Hi - looking for an alternative to this that works for Legion - anyone know of one? |
File: GSE: Gnome Sequencer - Enhanced - Advanced Macros01-23-17 |
Modifiers working? Hi - overall my macros are working great - but modifiers are not firing for some reason.Perhaps this is due to me holding the macro key down and then tapping and/or holding 'alt' for example, but before I dig deeper I would just like to know if modifiers like ALT are working for everyone. |
File: Altz UI for Shadowlands12-15-16 |
really great UI, thanks a lot for t... really great UI, thanks a lot for that.Short question, is there a way to turn of the skinning for the blizzard frames?disable aurora will broke altz ui.thanks a lot for answering. is there an option to make the background of the windows darker?Check out the options in the Aurora addon - this worked for me. |
File: Altz UI for Shadowlands12-12-16 |
Feature Requests This is now my go-to UI. I am loving it. It really is perfect.I figured I would request just a couple of things in case you were interested in them:I would prefer if the bags didn't show the empty bag slots but instead showed ONE empty bag slot with the NUMBER of empty slots - similar to cargobags in RealUIProvide a display f... |
File: Altz UI for Shadowlands12-08-16 |
Re: Re: Error on login Getting this error35x AltzUImodspanelspanels.lua:765: attempt to call local 'min' (a number value)AltzUImodspanelspanels.lua:765: in function To fix error when login with player not to max level:attempt to call local 'min' (a number value)Find this line on file 'WOWFolderAddOnsAltzUIm... |
File: Altz UI for Shadowlands12-08-16 |
Error on login Getting this error35x AltzUImodspanelspanels.lua:765: attempt to call local 'min' (a number value)AltzUImodspanelspanels.lua:765: in function |
File: MayronUI Gen611-02-16 |
Re: How do I get rid of this? https://i.gyazo.com/788a6999fcc8c8e49277d79893445dbb.pngWondering if this is from your UI or some other Addon I installed. Does anyone know?I'm also having this problem where sometimes this happens: https://i.gyazo.com/5be244f0416bb03ebb2de99e3d5dbdff.pngMost of my buttons are greyed out no matter where I am. I could be on top... |
File: MayronUI Gen611-02-16 |
Feature Request: OMEN Skin Hi - loving your UI - really solid! I was wondering if you would consider skinning OMEN the same way you skin Recount? Or perhaps change to Skada or something that has a threat meter built in?Either way - thanks for the hard work in making this UI - really great!Also - someone below mentioned minimap buttons - try the MBB mod -... |
File: MayronUI Gen611-02-16 |
Change Log (5.1.2)Added Config Me... Change Log (5.1.2)Added Config Menu Option (General Tab) to change the theme color.-- You no longer need to visit the install menu to do this.Added Config Menu Option (Bottom UI Panels Tab) to change the height of the action bar panel.-- There are 2 height values for when the panel is expanded or retracted.Fixed a bug... |
File: MayronUI Gen611-01-16 |
Hi - I am still having issues with... Hi - I am still having issues with the Guild popup.Steps to reproduce:Log inGuild datatext shows 5 guildies onlineLeft Click - empty containerRight Click - guild panel opensLeft Click - empty containerShow 'roster'Left Click - empty containerSort roster by 'online'Left Click - guildies shownReload UIError (shown below)... |
File: MayronUI Gen610-31-16 |
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Feature Requests / bug Report Thank you for the help. I thought that would mean that 'GuildRoster()' function was not being executed (this is the function that retrieves guild data from the server) but by looking at the code it looks like it is so not sure what the problem is. I altered the code in the latest update to ensure this data is 100% being retrieved. I... |
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File: MayronUI Gen610-29-16 |
Re: Re: Feature Requests / bug Report Hi - just started using your UI since the SyncUI guy has stopped supporting his UI :(Bug (Maybe): The guild datatext does not show the build list on hover OR left click. Right click DOES open the guild panel though.Feature Request: shorten the chat channel names please.Thank you for this great UI.It's suppose to show on le... |
File: MayronUI Gen610-29-16 |
Feature Requests / bug Report Hi - just started using your UI since the SyncUI guy has stopped supporting his UI :(Bug (Maybe): The guild datatext does not show the build list on hover OR left click. Right click DOES open the guild panel though.Feature Request: shorten the chat channel names please.Thank you for this great UI. |
File: Zork UI10-05-16 |
Re: Re: Keybind / Macro Text for Bar1 @FlarinHotkeys being visible on all other bars is a bug in the Blizzard animation API which I use to fadein/-out frames. I probably need to get rid of the animation API because of that annoying bug (http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54355). :(On that note. Hotkeys for actionbuttons have an alpha value of 0 atm. Th... |
File: Zork UI10-05-16 |
Keybind / Macro Text for Bar1 I don't mind tinkering with the LUA to make this happen - but I would like KeyBind and Macro text to appear on Bar1. I could not figure out how to make this happen - in the file layout.lua in rActionBar_Zork there does not seem to be a difference between Bar1 without this text and the other bars with it. I found--hotkeyactionButt... |
File: GSE: Gnome Sequencer - Enhanced - Advanced Macros09-05-16 |
Editing / Creating Macros in game Hi - I feel like I don't fully understand the editing / creation process in-game. Could you please check my steps below? Sometimes the macro's just 'hang up' after creation or edtiting.1. /gsse2. Select a Macro as a baseline3. New4. Rename and edit / change the macro5. Close6. |
File: GSE: Gnome Sequencer - Enhanced - Advanced Macros08-31-16 |
Re: Re: Just.... THANK YOU ! used to be a toggle to turn an Aura (Like say old skool Paladin Devotion Aura) on or off. It didnt know what the state was it just flipped it. Now I dont believe it does anything.Cast Sequence - I am assuming that the spell will be available and work. (CastSequences wait until the success condition is met so can get hung if spe... |
File: GSE: Gnome Sequencer - Enhanced - Advanced Macros08-30-16 |
Just.... THANK YOU Can I just take a moment and say THANK YOU.To be honest there are so many abilities now that bouncing through 10 key-binds is a pain. What I love about this mode is it gives you control to create a sequence of 'standard stuff' that you always cycle through and then leave 3 or 4 skills that are more situational on separate key-bind... |
File: ConsolePort09-25-15 |
Re: Re: Tanking?? Has anyone had any luck tanking instances with a controller? I find that I struggle when gathering adds - when i have a pile of mobs I am fine of course - but when one gets away the mouse just seems so much faster and more precise. So - I just want to know if anyone has it working and I need to hone my skill or should I stick to DPS... |
File: ConsolePort09-24-15 |
Tanking?? Has anyone had any luck tanking instances with a controller? I find that I struggle when gathering adds - when i have a pile of mobs I am fine of course - but when one gets away the mouse just seems so much faster and more precise. So - I just want to know if anyone has it working and I need to hone my skill or should I stick to DPS... |
File: ConsolePort06-13-15 |
Thanks for your reply. SO I should... Thanks for your reply. SO I should still map my keys to F1-F12 in JoyToKey and then open the UI mod mapping dialog and map there as well?What I am seeing is if I map in JoyToKey, but then my action bar is not also mapping what happens is I press 'X' and my action button 1 will highlight as if it should fire that spell, but then it... |
Zygor Download 5.1 Download