Enlisted: 2011-11-07
I'm a decent player and I've played Battlefield long enough to know how to level up fast for the most part.
1. Get on the Recon Kit and play either TDM or Domination if you have Close Quarters.
2. Apply the TUG to your kit <MOST IMPORTANT
3. If your good with Snipers use them, other wise use a PDW.
4. Take the TUG and put it in the most hectic part of the map and STAY ALIVE!
5. Wait for the points.
Explanation: People say that the Recon Kit is the most useless and under played kit in the game today. To such extent, I agree with them. But in this case, its the class that ranks you up the fastest. When putting down the TUG, everytime there is a kill around the motion sensor area, you get 10 points for Spot Bonus and 20 points for Motion Sensor I beleive. So if you put it in the most hectic place of the map, everytime your team mates get a kill in that area, you get 30 points in all. Join a game on 500% Canals TDM and put your TUG in the middle of the map and just be cautious and stay alive so the points keep coming. Some people will say to use a MAV, but I think that they're too big and obvious. Enemies will see and take them out faster. Just think about it though, say your team mates get three kills around your TUG per minute, thats 90 points not counting you going around getting kills or capturing flages. In Double XP that's 180 points per minute just for your TUG. This is also playing the Recon role in the games by helping out your team mates locate the enemy.
Different Ideas or Opinions: If you have a different idea or opinion, please comment below and let me know. I would prefer if your opinions could be constructive or respectful.
Thanks for reading this Forum and have a good day.
1. Get on the Recon Kit and play either TDM or Domination if you have Close Quarters.
2. Apply the TUG to your kit <MOST IMPORTANT
3. If your good with Snipers use them, other wise use a PDW.
4. Take the TUG and put it in the most hectic part of the map and STAY ALIVE!
5. Wait for the points.
Explanation: People say that the Recon Kit is the most useless and under played kit in the game today. To such extent, I agree with them. But in this case, its the class that ranks you up the fastest. When putting down the TUG, everytime there is a kill around the motion sensor area, you get 10 points for Spot Bonus and 20 points for Motion Sensor I beleive. So if you put it in the most hectic place of the map, everytime your team mates get a kill in that area, you get 30 points in all. Join a game on 500% Canals TDM and put your TUG in the middle of the map and just be cautious and stay alive so the points keep coming. Some people will say to use a MAV, but I think that they're too big and obvious. Enemies will see and take them out faster. Just think about it though, say your team mates get three kills around your TUG per minute, thats 90 points not counting you going around getting kills or capturing flages. In Double XP that's 180 points per minute just for your TUG. This is also playing the Recon role in the games by helping out your team mates locate the enemy.
Different Ideas or Opinions: If you have a different idea or opinion, please comment below and let me know. I would prefer if your opinions could be constructive or respectful.
Thanks for reading this Forum and have a good day.
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TheReallJuliann Enlisted: 2012-06-16

Assault class, revive your team mates (100 points) + capture flag (250) + killing Enemies (100) and stay alive = 450 points per minute. Fast ranking .
kjqrslctmnguxoBEnlisted: 2012-01-20
That's a good idea, but on maps where everyone is constantly dying I find that Assault is best simply for the revives and med-kit points. Not that I whore that class mind you, but I find it gets me a ton of points.
If your team sucks, you do even better!
xTranslucencyIf your team sucks, you do even better!
Enlisted: 2012-01-11
If you really want to tryhard you go Medic in ConDom with AEK...
Lvl Hack Battlefield 3 Sys
TheReallJuliann Enlisted: 2012-06-16
kjqrslctmnguxoB said:
That's a good idea, but on maps where everyone is constantly dying I find that Assault is best simply for the revives and med-kit points. Not that I whore that class mind you, but I find it gets me a ton of points.
If your team sucks, you do even better!
Join the nooby team and revive them lol
Enlisted: 2012-01-11
or tdm canal and play medic with M16...you'll get there in about 300 hours
KnifedByThisGIRLEnlisted: 2011-11-07
be a tramp and only play on double xp
xTranslucencyEnlisted: 2012-01-11
KnifedByThisGIRL said:
be a tramp and only play on double xp
lolololol or that >.>

Enlisted: 2012-06-16
Tenshi-x-Gouki said:
or tdm canal and play medic with M16...you'll get there in about 300 hours
KnifedByThisGIRL said:
be a tramp and only play on double xp
tdm = noobs and Alex that's only once a month Lol no fair, i lost the 2xp event :/
Enlisted: 2011-10-31
Why would any one give a shit about changing their way of playing to something less enjoyable after reaching reaching colonel lvl 1? You don't gain anything excepts some more useless dog tags anyway.
Also see that container in the middle of noshar canals, the one who is half tipped over and that you cant get into? Yeah, you can place a MAV in there and it will be impossible to kill unless you nade it, also playing medic will probably go faster.
It_will_KeeeelAlso see that container in the middle of noshar canals, the one who is half tipped over and that you cant get into? Yeah, you can place a MAV in there and it will be impossible to kill unless you nade it, also playing medic will probably go faster.
Enlisted: 2012-01-08
In reality, any kind of close quarters map is great for wracking up points - ammo kits, med kits, TUGS, revives, suppression, etc.
RelentlessGIANT Enlisted: 2012-04-05
Or get a vehicle and rank it up by caping flags and killing thats the easy one 4 vehicles especially on Double XP
BasketballSwag23Battlefield 3 Cheats Pc
Enlisted: 2011-11-07
I agree that the Assault Kit is the kit to go to rank up, but I often find myself being killed a lot when reviving team mates. This way, you can stay a long better and die a lot less. Just something out of the ordinary to rank up. But yes I think that Assault is the way to go to rank up faster.
ColonelBobi Enlisted: 2012-10-03
BasketballSwag23 said:
I'm a decent player and I've played Battlefield long enough to know how to level up fast for the most part.
1. Get on the Recon Kit and play either TDM or Domination if you have Close Quarters.
2. Apply the TUG to your kit <MOST IMPORTANT
3. If your good with Snipers use them, other wise use a PDW.
4. Take the TUG and put it in the most hectic part of the map and STAY ALIVE!
5. Wait for the points.
Explanation: People say that the Recon Kit is the most useless and under played kit in the game today. To such extent, I agree with them. But in this case, its the class that ranks you up the fastest. When putting down the TUG, everytime there is a kill around the motion sensor area, you get 10 points for Spot Bonus and 20 points for Motion Sensor I beleive. So if you put it in the most hectic place of the map, everytime your team mates get a kill in that area, you get 30 points in all. Join a game on 500% Canals TDM and put your TUG in the middle of the map and just be cautious and stay alive so the points keep coming. Some people will say to use a MAV, but I think that they're too big and obvious. Enemies will see and take them out faster. Just think about it though, say your team mates get three kills around your TUG per minute, thats 90 points not counting you going around getting kills or capturing flages. In Double XP that's 180 points per minute just for your TUG. This is also playing the Recon role in the games by helping out your team mates locate the enemy.
Different Ideas or Opinions: If you have a different idea or opinion, please comment below and let me know. I would prefer if your opinions could be constructive or respectful.
Thanks for reading this Forum and have a good day.
This is exactly what I do and as recently as yesterday. Play Recon, place Tug in a dark container near centre of map and get out a PDW or Shotgun = tons of points.
CQDom playing support or assault was also great for pts until they messed with the flag capture pts.
Enlisted: 2012-12-17
get where in 3 hours?
xInvidia said:
or tdm canal and play medic with M16...you'll get there in about 300 hours

Enlisted: 2011-12-27

It depends on what you're leveling up.
-Assault class: 64 person metro, medkits and revives will get you leveled up quick. Especially if you are at the bottom of the side stairs because people die left and right.
-Support: 64 person metro, find a group of a lot of people that don't have 10 ammo crates next to them and drop yours. You'll have a resupply ribbon in seconds.
-Recon: 64 person metro. Tugs close to heavy fighting is good. I've also found that putting a beacon close can also get you a lot of points because people will spawn on it a lot.
-Engineer is a bit harder. Repairs are always good.
LittleWoona-Assault class: 64 person metro, medkits and revives will get you leveled up quick. Especially if you are at the bottom of the side stairs because people die left and right.
-Support: 64 person metro, find a group of a lot of people that don't have 10 ammo crates next to them and drop yours. You'll have a resupply ribbon in seconds.
-Recon: 64 person metro. Tugs close to heavy fighting is good. I've also found that putting a beacon close can also get you a lot of points because people will spawn on it a lot.
-Engineer is a bit harder. Repairs are always good.
Enlisted: 2012-03-28
2013-04-06 00:49 , edited 2013-04-06 00:50 by LittleWoona
I find my way easier
Play Noshahr Canals CQ on the RU team, and spawn kill at the carrier (once you've capped all the flags)
you'll level up a lot faster
Of coarse you could play a lot of Operation Métro, but that gets really boring to me.
Play Noshahr Canals CQ on the RU team, and spawn kill at the carrier (once you've capped all the flags)
you'll level up a lot faster
Of coarse you could play a lot of Operation Métro, but that gets really boring to me.
Yes, I like a show with colourful marshmallow ponies. Deal with it.
Ironiiiii Enlisted: 2012-08-10
why is leveling up that important
i5-2500k & HR-02 Macho PCGH | GTX680 | 8GB | 120GB SSD+2x 1TB HDD | Viewsonic VX2268wm 120hz
BliTz_TracK Enlisted: 2011-11-12
2013-04-21 19:58 , edited 2013-04-21 20:00 by BliTz_TracK
menaceOFvanity said:
why is leveling up that important
yea true level does not matter that much if u are skilled its what i think ^_^.
but if anyone want level up that fast then fly {MAV} in tdm of 64 people and spot like hell LOL but its boring :P
Enlisted: 2011-11-10
This is how I've been playing CQDOM - the spawn beacon nets loads of points as well and, if you use a PDW, the medals unlock at 30 ribbons rather than 50.
Unlike the medic and support kits, which leave you very exposed whilst resuscitating or laying claymores, recon is free to do nothing other than shoot people once the beacon and TUGS are down.
Unlike the medic and support kits, which leave you very exposed whilst resuscitating or laying claymores, recon is free to do nothing other than shoot people once the beacon and TUGS are down.